Dr. Tommaso Adami

Research Field

PhD in Applied Economics and Management - Mathematics.


Mathematical Finance, Portfolio Theory, Risk Theory, Operational Research, Stochastic Processes, Machine Learning, Finalcial Markets, Sentiment Analysis, News Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining.


Tommaso received his bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science from Università degli Studi di Milano. After graduation he obtained a Banking and Financial Diploma from ABI Formazione and a certification in Private Banking/Wealth Management from SDA Bocconi School of Management. He is now a PhD candidate in Applied Economics and Management at Università degli Studi di Bergamo. He attended the Bootcamp course in Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management offered by ARPM. He is a certified Elsevier reviewer in the field of Information Fusion. He is specially interested in news analysis for asset allocation and portfolio management, also because his master’s degree thesis has been on language processing. He is also interested in applying machine learning and deep learning techniques to financial markets using data and sentiment analysis exploiting the most appropriate developing languages as C, C++, MATLAB, Python and R. He has been previously employed as fullstack developer in the web and mobile application domain. Tommaso is fluent in Italian (his native language), English and Spanish.


Chapter 1 - Literature Review